Reminder : Upcoming Product Release Overview Session

Hi All, here’s a reminder for the upcoming Product Release Overview Session on 16th October 2023! This session is scheduled for our Customers, Partners, and Internal folks as well.

Purpose of the meetup:
To provide our Customers/Partners an overview of what’s coming in the latest release of the product.

What will be covered in this session?

  • AI Studio
  • Inv App Payments
  • Bulk Upload Phase 3
  • Reporting Engine Phase 2
  • FlowBuilder 2.X

We encourage you to join this session.!! :100:

You can nominate yourself by replying to this topic and we will share the Calendar invite with you!

Thank you! See you there!

@sreeja.vijay @anthony.lang @barry.tallis @svea.joaquino @santosh.talluri @ruchir.thakkar

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Can you please include @marysol.vejar @ricky.jaramillo @abhishek.nair @davisdinh @sky.collins

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Can you please share the invite with me as well?

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Can you please invite me? And also include @bogdan.mihai.plesa. Thank you!

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